How to Kill Mold with Bleach: A DIY Project – Mold Inspection Monmouth
How to Kill Mold with Bleach: A DIY Project – In general, it’s recommended you let professionals handle mold removal. However, if you have a few small spots in your bathroom where moisture accumulates and just want to quickly yet effectively get rid of them, it’s OK to do a DIY job – IF you have the right supplies and protective gear.
First off, you’ll need to get some gloves and a face mask. Pick up some bleach from the store, or any of the following supplies which will work to kill and remove mold as well:
• Borax
• Ammonia
• Vinegar
• Hydrogen peroxide
• Detergent
• Baking soda
• Tea tree oil
• Grapefruit seed extract
Let’s assume you’re going with bleach for this project. Bleach is ideal because it is effective in killing mold off pretty much every species of mold that can be found indoors. It also kills mold off the spores, which is how mold reproduces. The result is a sanitized surface that will resist mold in the future, provided you keep it dry. Moisture is what will attract mold to grow again, so as long as the source is gone (water), you won’t see mold there again.
That said, bleach will only be effective if the mold is on a non-porous surface such as bathroom and kitchen tiles, tubs, glass, and countertops. It will NOT be effective for use on things like wood or drywall. That’s because bleach can’t get inside porous materials, so at the very least you will only kill the surface mold, not the roots. This effort is futile because the mold will just come back. Kind of like pulling weeds: if you don’t get them out by the roots, they will just come back the next day.
What to Do
Ventilate the area by opening windows and turning on fans. Don your gloves and mask. Pour one cup bleach per gallon of water, which equals to about one part bleach to 10 parts H2O. Fill a spray bottle with the solution and apply it that way, or fill it in a bucket and apply with a sponge. Once done, don’t wipe the surface down with water unless it’s somewhere that another human or pet will touch, such as the edge of the bathtub, or where food preparation occurs, such as your kitchen countertop.
Bleach is extremely effective in killing mold, thanks to its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite. However, bleach does have some disadvantages, mainly the fact that it’s corrosive, staining, harsh and extremely toxic. The fumes put out by bleach can leave you wheezing and coughing, which is why the area must be properly ventilated. Those concerned about the toxicity and harsh fumes of bleach would be wise trying something milder such as borax or vinegar.
For large cases of mold infestation, or if you suspect a more harmful type than standard household mold (i.e., toxic black mold), call a professional for removal. Stock Environmental Consulting can provide recommendations for you.